Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I wrote this in other class!!

Hello everyone. I’m sophomore in KGU. Today I ‘d like to talk about a things which I realized it’s important to learn language through studying English in this college.
I realized that facing with a person and having courage to speak are meaningful to learn English through my college life. First I will talk about my experience. After that I will talk about my friend who inspired me and made me realize that. In conclusion I will talk about what I will do with the experience.Firstly I will talk about my experience. In spring last year I talked with another country people in English. That was first time having a conversation with another country people in English. Might be it didn’t deserve to call a conversation because I couldn’t understand what were he saying and speak in English.Here’s interesting story at the moment.
My friend said to me “What’s up?” when I met him.Of course I didn’t know the meaning.
I was “wait what do you mean? What’s up? …..What is UP!” I looked up and said “it’s …..sky ”He was laughing at me. After that I knew that means hello. After this funny accident I though I want to listen better, speak better, know more slung. I tried to hard work to improve especially speaking and listening skills.After spring last year I could speak in English better than spring.
It was still not good but I could greet exchange students. However there was another problem.
I realized that it’s nothing even I could speak English if I don’t have any idea to talk about!
Now it’s not big problem because I can speak better than before. But at the time I was nerves and shy. So I couldn’t have conversation in English especially with a person whom I first met.
Secondly I will talk about my friend who inspired me. She is in same major and full of energy and nice to everyone. A thing I surprised is that even as she is talking with exchange student in English she won’t change nothing that.Her English skills was not so higher than me.Her style was looked like really bravely for me.I was wondering how she is doing that and how can I talk like her.After while I noticed that when she have a conversation always she talk first and can switch funny and serious.And I realized that facing with a person and having courage to speak are meaningful to learn English. In conclusion, fortunately I could have opportunity to study abroad. I will go to a college where there is no Japanese without me. It’s going to be very tough study abroad. However I won’t be afraid that because I know what is the meaningful thing to learn English.
488 words

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